Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Across Idaho in Four Days: Clearwater Baptism (Day Eight)

Idaho Day One: Lewiston to Kamiah

Bird chatter and song permeated the mist of drowsiness as we awoke and prepared a quick breakfast before meandering back up the cycle path, along the levee, and into historic downtown Lewiston. We found the Blue Lantern coffee shop, which appeared to occupy an old bank building complete with heavy iron safe, tall grand ceilings, creamy marble stairs, flowing brass rails, and sun streaming through ten foot plate glass windows. Happy old building smell mingled with fresh baked cookie and dark java scents.

Coffee enjoyed, phones charged, and a grocery stop later, we pointed our wheels back over the Snake River and towards highway 12 as the day warmed. Following a cycle path paralleling the highway for several miles east, we soon needed a break from the sun and found shelter under a few small trees between the path and the river. After lunch and letting solar noon pass in the shade of black locust, the heat ride continued.

Miles later, we needed more than just shade. Just after the highway crossed the river, we laid our bikes down and climbed the short bank to the rushing cool waters. Screams, hysterical laughter, with a side of fun... Later we learned this water was so cold because it was being released from a dam upstream. Refreshed, we continued on to Orofino and Kamiah. In Kamiah near sunset we queried local people as to an acceptable place to camp nearby, and learned that we could stay in the city park.


  1. I hear it's been pretty hot there! A dip in a cold river was very refreshing, I'm sure!!! Great pictures once again! Can't quite tell what the 9th picture down is... a fish at the hatchery?
    Ride safe!
    Love ya!

    1. Wasps and nest in abandoned gas station pump...

  2. How nice to have the cold river for a break from the heat! What kind of bug is that, and does it bite?

    1. Just an exoskeleton... dont know if the bug that left it bites
