Friday, July 5, 2013

The Bike Path, The Lake, and The Burning Sphere of Plasma. (Day Thirteen)

We arose early, said our goodbyes, and rode out of Missoula hoping to take advantage of the morning cloud cover. Just outside city limits Kevin's rear tire lost a battle with a staple and we pulled off to repair.

Trekking back into Lolo we discovered the glorious bike path that we would follow for nearly 40 miles south. Paralleling the main road, it added hills and curves the ironed highway didn't have. While car traffic still ambushed our senses, the path gave us distance from it that made the journey seem shorter and more enjoyable.

Then Kevin spotted a familiar portrait of a viking, indicating we were passing the Hidden Legend winery. Open even on the fourth, we went in to enjoy samples of the mead made with knapweed honey. Legendary!

Billboards for the Super 1 Foods Store enticed us in to a buying bonanza in Hamilton. Hungry, excited by the high quality and low prices (like the child of a Whole Foods and a Winco), and with only a few miles to our evening camp, we loaded up.

Mostly quiet Como Lake was a good backdrop for deep sleep after corn roasted on the fire an delicious local Wildwood brewery beer.


  1. Knapweed honey mead sounds very interesting indeed, and how wonderful to have such a long bike path to ride on!

  2. The bike path sounds like a very welcome change from the highway. Looks like you hit the jackpot with food supplies and good beer! A nice cold beer after a long hot day is always so nice :)
    We are really enjoying reading about your adventure!
